BioMaAS offers a host of additional services including: Permitting Assistance, Regulatory Compliance, CEQA Services, EIR Biology Section Preparation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services, Biological Research and History Services. Our team is experienced in permit and compliance monitoring. We ensure compliance with all permit requirements by the contractor on behalf of the client, including all wetland permitting and state and federal endangered species mandates. Our senior biologists review all resource agency permits and construction plans, evaluate the permits, and create applicable guidelines for on-site personnel relevant for each particular phase of...
Read MoreBioMaAS professionals have a high level of knowledge and experience in construction monitoring, permit compliance, engineering plan reading, and implementation of construction projects. BioMaAS offers complete construction services including: Construction Monitoring; Construction Management. This includes close coordination with the client and the contractor to ensure regulatory compliance and anticipate future project needs. Our team is familiar with conceptual development plans, remedial grading plans, and engineering plans. We are skilled in reviewing plans along with the project permits to foresee any conflicts with actual site conditions. Often, such...
Read MoreBioMaAS offers mitigation and restoration services including: Habitat Restoration; Mitigation Planning; Mitigation Design and Monitoring; Wetland Creation, Restoration, and Monitoring; Long Term Management Plan Development. BioMaAS offers a full complement of wetland restoration design and implementation services. Our prior restoration work includes pond design, and wetland restoration plan design, implementation and monitoring. We use our extensive knowledge of wetland plants and limnology to ensure success. We have specific experience in pond design and habitat creation for California red-legged frog and have designed and constructed six such mitigation ponds...
Read MoreBioMaAS offers a full array of assessment and surveys including: Biological Assessments; Special Status Species Habitat Assessments; Special Status Species Surveys; Nesting Bird Surveys; Wetland Delineations. BioMaAS possesses the resources and expertise necessary to provide our clients with full biological services. BioMaAS offers a full range of field assessments, from reconnaissance level surveys that assist clients with an early evaluation of potential biological constraints, to detailed biological assessments of properties which identify all biological resources present as well as make recommendations for further field work. Our professionals have experience...
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