Permitting & Other Services

Permitting & Other Services

BioMaAS offers a host of additional services including:

  • Permitting Assistance,
  • Regulatory Compliance,
  • CEQA Services,
  • EIR Biology Section Preparation,
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services,
  • Biological Research and History Services.

Our team is experienced in permit and compliance monitoring.

We ensure compliance with all permit requirements by the contractor on behalf of the client, including all wetland permitting and state and federal endangered species mandates. Our senior biologists review all resource agency permits and construction plans, evaluate the permits, and create applicable guidelines for on-site personnel relevant for each particular phase of the project. These guidelines include the training and oversight of biological monitors in the field, and the creation of a biological monitoring protocol. These guidelines follow the requirements of the regulatory permits for the project and conform to BioMaAS standards. In addition, our biologists are USFWS approved to conduct on-site environmental trainings for persons involved in construction and vehicle movement on a project site.

CEQA Services/EIR Biology Section Preparation

BioMaAS is experienced with preparation of the biological portion of Environmental Impact Reports. We can assist our clients in preparing a thorough and defensible biological resources chapter. We also assist clients in evaluating the potential biological impacts early in the CEQA process to identify the need for documentation including preparation of Mitigated Negative Declarations

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services

BioMaAS has experience with ARC View 9.0 and can prepare a variety of maps including biological resources and wetlands, including impacts to biological resources for mitigation planning and land use scenarios for adequate project analysis. GIS mapping technology produces maps that are useful in a variety of reports as visual aids as well as used in the calculation of areas and project footprint/engineering design analysis as they relate to biological resources.