The BioMaAS team conducted surveys for special-status species including the California red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake on the Jefferson-Martin 230 k-V Line Project adjacent to the San Andreas Reservoir. Prior to construction, BioMaAS conducted protocol-level surveys along the project right-of-way, including a 90-day trapping survey for San Francisco garter snake, California red-legged frog, and western pond turtle. We provided detailed reports of our research, including GIS mapping. Team members monitored contractor compliance, reported on compliance to the client, and conducted all other aspects of permitted work required by resource agencies.
Read MoreBioMaAS is currently conducting biological surveys and impact analysis for the construction and operation of turbines at the Shiloh Wind Farm in the Montezuma Hills Wind Resource area. We provide protocol western burrowing owl surveys and studies of avian mortality as part of a multi-year evaluation of mortality rates for newer generation turbines in order to assess the impact of these turbines on bird populations during the nesting season and during migration. Additionally, our team conducts prey monitoring, avian activity, and avian nesting surveys for the existing wind farm as well as for areas planned for future wind turbine installation. Data collected is...
Read MoreBioMaAS is currently conducting environmental compliance management, biological monitoring, and environmental inspection services for the Calaveras Dam Project in accordance with the WSIP construction Management Plan for the statewide water improvement system upgrade. We provide oversight of environmental and specialty monitor inspection services, track environmental compliance, submit and review documents, prepare daily, monthly, and quarterly compliance reports, while coordinating with the CM team, the SFPUC, and contractor staff. Biological resources include the Alameda whipsnake, California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, bald eagle, golden eagle,...
Read MoreBioMaAS is currently conducting environmental inspection and monitoring services for the Crystal Spring/San Andreas Transmissions Upgrade, Lower Crystal Springs Dam, Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant, and Crystal Springs Pipeline Replacement #2, in accordance with the WSIP construction management plan for the statewide water improvement system upgrade. Responsibilities include tracking environmental compliance, submittal and document review, compliance report preparation in coordination with the CM team, the SFPUC, and the contractor. Resources for the projects include many Bay Area special status species as this work occurs in a protected watershed. BioMaAS...
Read MoreBioMaAS provided environmental management and monitoring during an emergency pipeline repair requiring the dewatering of Central California Coast Steelhead habitat. Inspection of construction practices, monitoring water quality, relocation of biological resources, and coordination with city, county, state, and federal agencies, as well as the contractor, were top priorities on this high profile project. During post construction, BioMaAS prepared and implemented a revegetation plan for the site of emergency pipeline repair work on the bank of the San Francisquito Creek. This included the design and implementation of erosion control measures to stabilize the creek...
Read MorePrior to construction, BioMaAS conducted biological surveys and a trapping/relocation program for red-legged frogs along the tunnel corridor in coordination with nest dismantling for the San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat. Surveys for resident and migratory nesting birds occurred throughout the 4-year project. We presently coordinate environmental compliance efforts to satisfy all relevant agency permits for the three contract sites associated with the Devil’s Slide Tunnel Bypass Project. Issues of concern include wetland plants and special-status species such as California red-legged frog, San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat, migratory nesting birds, and...
Read MoreBioMaAS conducted Biological Assessments (BA) for Alameda County Public Works and Sound Watershed. These BA’s included the Alameda Creek Desilting Project and the Den Creek Desilting Project in 2011. Our permitted biologists (for steelhead, salt marsh harvest mouse, and California red-legged frog) conducted reconnaissance surveys and database searches, as well as research and review of historical site data and previous reports concerning biological resources within the creek corridor for both Alameda Creek and Eden Creek. BioMaAS assessed the habitat for protected species and sensitive habitats, and coordinated with our team regarding jurisdictional wetland issues....
Read MoreBioMaAS conducted a delineation of waters and wetlands along Agua Caliente Creek channel to determine the jurisdictional limits of waters of the U.S. regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The delineation was submitted to the Corps for verification. BioMaAS also wrote a biological assessment of the site which involved referencing the CNDDB, creating a vegetation cover map, conducting a rare plant and tree survey, and conducting habitat assessments for special status wildlife. The banks of the creek were severely eroded and restoration was planned for the site.
Read MoreBioMaAS provided the USFWS approved permitted biologist for this project and the biological and environmental monitoring for a 2000-foot waterline replacement and salt marsh restoration project in salt marsh habitat along the Bay Trail, adjacent to the San Francisco Bay. Responsibilities included identification of salt marsh harvest mice and other rodent species encountered within the project area. We also conducted pre/post construction surveys for salt marsh harvest mouse and California clapper rail, provided environmental training for the construction crew, helped to ensure the integrity of the exclusion fencing, assisted in the onsite layout of approximately 5000...
Read MoreBioMaAS regulatory specialists conducted CEQA review for the slender false brome IPM plan and the associated public education plan for the Mid-Peninsula Open Space District. For this ongoing project BioMaAS is currently in the process of preparing a programmatic MND for this IPM. Tasks included review of all documents associated with the development of an extensive pest management and public outreach program designed to cover district lands in San Mateo County, development of mitigation measures in coordination with the resource agencies, and biological assessments at three District Open Space Preserves and adjacent lands. Environmental resources include wetlands and...
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