Calaveras Dam Replacement Project, Alameda County, CA

Client: Black and Veatch, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC)

Calaveras Dam Replacement Project, Alameda County, CA

BioMaAS is currently conducting environmental compliance management, biological monitoring, and environmental inspection services for the Calaveras Dam Project in accordance with the WSIP construction Management Plan for the statewide water improvement system upgrade. We provide oversight of environmental and specialty monitor inspection services, track environmental compliance, submit and review documents, prepare daily, monthly, and quarterly compliance reports, while coordinating with the CM team, the SFPUC, and contractor staff. Biological resources include the Alameda whipsnake, California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, bald eagle, golden eagle, western burrowing owl, and migratory nesting birds.  Daily reports detail compliance for water quality/SWPPP, noise and vibration, air quality, aesthetics, and cultural resources.


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