Devil’s Slide, Hwy. 1 Devil’s Slide Tunnel Bypass

Client: URS Corp, Cal Trans District 4, Environmental

Devil’s Slide, Hwy. 1 Devil’s Slide Tunnel Bypass

Prior to construction, BioMaAS conducted biological surveys and a trapping/relocation program for red-legged frogs along the tunnel corridor in coordination with nest dismantling for the San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat.  Surveys for resident and migratory nesting birds occurred throughout the 4-year project.  We presently coordinate environmental compliance efforts to satisfy all relevant agency permits for the three contract sites associated with the Devil’s Slide Tunnel Bypass Project.  Issues of concern include wetland plants and special-status species such as California red-legged frog, San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat, migratory nesting birds, and steelhead.  BioMaAS’ environmental construction management consists of team meetings, compliance reports, and coordinating with contractors and Cal Trans Environmental, Structures, and District 4 engineers, and the project management team.  This project also includes SWPPP review and oversight of erosion control and storm water quality measures in accordance with the county, the California Coastal Commission, and federal/state permits.

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