Alameda Creek and Eden Creek Biological Assessments, Alameda County, CA

Client: Sound Watershed, Alameda County Public Works Department

Alameda Creek and Eden Creek Biological Assessments, Alameda County, CA

BioMaAS conducted Biological Assessments (BA) for Alameda County Public Works and Sound Watershed.  These BA’s included the Alameda Creek Desilting Project and the Den Creek Desilting Project in 2011. Our permitted biologists (for steelhead, salt marsh harvest mouse, and California red-legged frog) conducted reconnaissance surveys and database searches, as well as research and review of historical site data and previous reports concerning biological resources within the creek corridor for both Alameda Creek and Eden Creek.  BioMaAS assessed the habitat for protected species and sensitive habitats, and coordinated with our team regarding jurisdictional wetland issues. Biological Assessments included a vegetation cover map, a rare plant and tree survey, and the likelihood for impacts to special status wildlife.


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